cleft lip and palate

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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cleft lip and palate

Postby Tina » Mon Dec 31, 2001 6:22 am

hi im tina and id just like to say that i understand what u r all going through, my sdon is 3 months old and he was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate it came as such a huge shock u see im only 18 so ididnt think my baby would have anything like a cleft lip, it doesnt even run in my family so i felt so gutted i was actually embarrassed by the fact that my child had a cleft lip at first it sounds selfish i know but it was the way i felt but as it turned out when i had liam i didnt take a blind bit of notice he is my son and i love him to bits he is due for his operation on wednesday and i know it will be the hardest thing ive had to go through in my entire life but i want the parents and people who have cleft lip and palate to know that u r no different from anybody else.

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