feeding tube

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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feeding tube

Postby Anonymous » Mon Sep 10, 2001 5:24 am

my son is 5yrs old...
has a stomach tube...he gets several cans of milk during the night. He is small for his age and is due to have his palate repaired next year.
He eats but very little...i do not want the stomach tube taken out for fear that he will not get enough nutrition...but will he eat more if he didnt get fed all night....i'm in delemma here...any advise frim anyone would be appreciated.......

Re: feeding tube

Postby Cindy » Mon Sep 10, 2001 6:34 pm

Hi. My son also has a feeding tube. He's had it for over two years now. Sounds to me like the issue is more that your child is failure to thrive than it being a clefting situation. There is a good resource for people dealing with g-tubes. There is also an online support group. If you're interested e-mail me privately at CindyLou1970@aol.com and I can send you info.


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