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Speech Problems

PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2001 12:28 pm
by Bell
My grandson is now 15 mo old. He had his cleft lip repaired when he was 3 mo. He isn't talking yet or saying any words. What kind of speech problems could occur. He can make sounds like Ga and Da and Goch? When he reads a book he makes mumbling sounds but doesn't open his mouth. Is he just a late talker or could this be related to his cleft lip?

Re: Speech Problems

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2001 9:46 am
by Edie
It could be related to the cleft. My son had a unilateral and a cleft palate and he started saying word here and there by 2 1/2 years old. Still didn't sound like much but it was something. He is now 4 and still is hard to understand but at least now he says sentences. He has had speech therapy and I think they are not working on tongue placement which is what he needs. I think tongue placement is very important. His tiny hole left in his mouth should not affect his speech that much being that he can blow a bubble and suck out of a straw. He is so used to speeking with his tongue all the way to the back of his mouth. Everything will come with time and it sounds as if your grandson is doing better than my son did.