concerned parent

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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concerned parent

Postby » Tue Jul 24, 2001 3:44 pm

My daughter Alix (6 years old) just had her 3rd surgery. She was born w/ a cleft lip/palate. This surgery was to do a lip and nasal revision and try to "Clean Up" the scar under the nostril a little.
My problem is I am wondering if we are making the right decisions on when to have her surgeries and etc... We live in the Sacramento, CA area. How do I know that we have a great surgeon?
If anyone has any advice on researching a surgeon's background or experience please let me know. Also, if anyone knows an excellant surgeon in my area, that would be great.
Her surgery was just about 2 weeks ago, she still is pretty swollen and red. I almost think it looked better before her surgery. I need some advice- Thanks Chrissy

Re: concerned parent

Postby » Wed Jul 25, 2001 9:58 am

Dear Concerned Parent,
Don't worry I'm sure she will be just fine. Everyone heals at different speeds, and in different ways. I know it is hard to see your child sore and you are worried about peoples reactions but you need to focus that energy on helping her get better and keeping a positive attitude. A large part of the healing process is attitude. Help her to continue normally and stay happy and you will see a positive result in healing. I have been there 21 times and I know from experience that it is very important to follow aftercare instructions, making sure the area is clean, and keep a positive environment.
Finding out about your doctor shouldn't be too hard, try calling the college of physicians or whoever licenses doctors in your area. You can ask to speak to other parents with children under this persons care and compare ideas. Remember a good doctor will disclose everything to you, and they will not be offended by you returning and asking a lot of questions. (also from experience)
I hope that some part of this will comfort you. Wishing you and your daughter all the best,

Re: concerned parent

Postby Anonymous » Thu Jul 26, 2001 1:26 am

I don't recall how long it took for the swelling and redness to disappear, when I had my surgeries as a child. 2 weeks sounds a bit long, but I'm going by my adult experiences. If you're concerned about your daughter's condition, speak with her surgeon. One of the most important things to do after surgery, is to prevent infection. Beyond that, I'd recommend asking around for surgeon recommendations. Make sure that the surgeon has had much experience in cleft repair, and also is part of a cleft team. Take care.

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