Feeding liquids - post op

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Feeding liquids - post op

Postby stuart@37castleview.fsnet » Sat Jun 23, 2001 12:38 am

our 9mth daughter had a palate repair 10 days ago and since then has refused all liquids (through syringe, various teats, and various cups). She will have solids no problem and we are making much of her food with formula. The staff at the hospital force fed her and we think this may have affected her because she crys at the sight of a bottle. Any answers out there ?

Re: Feeding liquids - post op

Postby Anonymous » Sat Jun 23, 2001 12:30 pm

Our daughter had her lip repaired at four months, and had much the same reaction ... she lived on slightly sloppy porridge for a few days as she wasn't interested in milk - also perhaps, it was a bit sore, so she was avoiding the sucking action..
Why not ditch the bottle all together, if you think she is frightened of the sight of it? My son moved from breast to cup at eight months and never had a bottle, my daughter was mainly fed by syringe, then mead johnson bottle, but went on to an avent feeder cup around nine months or so (sorry, can't remember exactly) This might get over the problem if you think she is just frightened of the sight of the bottle. She can always go back on to a bottle in a week or too if you think she misses it.

Re: Feeding liquids - post op

Postby sf » Sat Jul 28, 2001 5:47 pm

How is your daughter doing now after the surger? My son is having the surgery at the end of August and I am worried
about how I will feed him. He only takes a bottle now with either breast milk or formula. He does not like to eat
baby food. He has a cleft soft palate. The doctor has not told me anything about after surgery. He said if he is hungry
enough he will eat, not very comforting. I am curious how your daughter is doing.

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