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cleft lip repair

PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 1998 12:00 pm
by yvonne
hello, has anyone ever seen a "healed cleft lip"
before? my daughter born 12/29/97 was born with a cleft scar and
puckered lip and one side of her nose is slightly flat? Doctors
said the cleft healed in the surgery was done since it
was not medically necasary however my brother was born with a
full cleft lip and palate and he had two surgeries and looks
fine. my daughter's lip is not the way his is and he was born
with the full deformity my insurance surely wont cover a surgery
since it would be considered cosmetic but i dont understand just
because she wasnt born with a full cleft doesnt mean she should
have to suffer and not have a correction done? i havent consulted
any surgeons as of yet but just wondering if anyone else has done
the same thing? and what cost is a correction or revision????

Re: cleft lip repair

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 1998 8:20 pm
by Leigh Anne
I've never heard of the cleft lip healing in the womb. But I
think your insurance company should probably cover it. My husband
is in the insurance business. I would contest your insurace
companies decision and maybe have it brought up before a medical
board since your daughter was born with a facial difference. Once
it took us sending it back 4 times to get one of my bills covered
(it was related to my preterm labor bill). As for the cost, my
daughter's lip surgery was about $3700 for the surgeon, which
doesn't include anesthesia. Most hospitals will give out costs of
operations and such. We live in the mid-south. If you want to
talk email at ""

Re: cleft lip repair

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 1998 8:59 pm
by yvonne(ccro100539)
hello, Well I havent been to a surgeon yet to know if my
insurance will cover a surgery for my daughter or not. she is and my pediatrican is the one who informed me at the
hospital when my daughter was born that it is strictly cosmetic.
She now says she doesnt think surgery will help or make it look
any better. I disagree and am now in the process of getting a
referral to a surgeon and they will do an evaluation. So at this
point I do hope that they can get insurance to pay for it. Im
crossing my fingers!!!!