Post Palate Surgery/ Fisures or Fistula--experiences

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Post Palate Surgery/ Fisures or Fistula--experiences

Postby Terri--pnt0723@magicnet.n » Tue Feb 23, 1999 1:55 pm

On my son's 10th day post-op from his palate repair we noticed
what apeared to be a small hole opening up in the stitch line
down the center of his palate. We notified the plastic surgeon
who had us bring him in for a check-up. The surgeon assured me
that this was not a hole(that it would be unlikely) and that it
is a small fisure or "burp" in the sutcher line that
may or may not heal on its own.

At the pediatrician's office the doctor took one look in my
son's mouth and asked about this "hole". I told him
what the surgeon had said but the ped. said that he could see air
flowing through the "hole" (opening and closing with my
sons breathing)

Does anyone have any information or experience with this.
Does this sound like a hole or a "fisure" in the oral




Re: Post Palate Surgery/ Fisures or Fistula--experiences

Postby Anonymous » Mon Mar 01, 1999 3:29 pm


Re: Post Palate Surgery/ Fisures or Fistula--experiences

Postby » Thu Mar 15, 2001 7:20 pm

Hello to all of the parents,
My son was born with Peire-Robin. He had a very short tongue and a cleft palate. The tongue would fall backwards which would block his air way. A tract was put in his throat to help him breath. The Doctors wanted to sew his tongue to his lip to stretch it. Being a curious person I asked how many children had gone through this operation, and what was the out come? "Well it has been know to be done." That was not asuring enough for me so I had to do some logical thinking. When we are born we do not have an adult size tongue. Our tongues grow and stretch as we grow so with that and faith. I told the Doctors my son and I are going to wait a while. The doctors wanted to put a tube into my sons stomache because with the cleft palate he didn't have a suction to drink from a bottle I did some asking around and found out there was a bottle for children as such as my son the hospital just never ordered any. They still wanted to put the tube in the stomach now because it took to long for the nurses to feed him. I simply said no-one is going to put a tube in my son's stomache for convience. I would go home cook for my other children and then go feed my son, for 4 months, and 4 days that was our schedule until my son was able to come home. You see my son is one of my 8 jewlels and he was 1 month old at this time and it was up to me to make the right decision for him. My son is now 7 years old attends speech therapy and his tongue is as long as any other 7 year old. Our Doctors do the best they can do. Always remember your choice comes from the heart. Our little jewels and soliders look for us to make the right decision for them. We are not perfect in thier eyes we are.

Write me Anytime. I Love to share the trying times, and the good times because we all make it thru. Sincerly, Rosie

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