
Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby jamie m mom of Jaena from » Mon May 06, 2002 11:43 am

hi after reading alot of your posts i just want to say for the people that couldn't have anything done and were teased in school I am so sorry. from Jaena having this I look at everyone different. I was blaming myslef because she wasn't born " perfect" but she IS PERFECT!!! I am very scared though about her palate. her lip really isn't that noticable until she smiles wide. I feel so bad that she was 3 months early and now she is facing surgeries. my husband wants another baby but I'm too afraid! I have been through alot with Jaena and treasure every day I can hold her. I am using the isomil and it has made a HUGE difference. she was on neo sure and she puked alot! she is now 8 # 10 oz. and 21 and a half inchs long. she hasn't spit up at all with the isomil I changed her to that my self my ped refused to take her off neo sure. now he said that it's ok if I switched her. I will do whatever I have to to make my daughter happy. she's been through enough. I have tried introducing the gerber baby peaches but I don't think she is ready. I mash single rice cereal with a rolling pin and then add that to her formula. I am afraid that she won't weigh enough for her surgery, she goes next month. if anyone has feeding advice I can sure use it. i live around a small town there isn't too many I know here with her condition. god bless all of you. also, do most of you that have had the palate surgery for you babies, did it go ok? are there alot of speech problems? I don't want Jaena to be teased. I am staying home with her and work on her speech when it's time. thanks everyone Jamie m
jamie m mom of Jaena from

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