help! I need advice!

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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help! I need advice!

Postby kathy » Sun Feb 17, 2002 6:13 pm

HELP!! I am 19, and have had the ops needed except for 1... I have recently got a plate with a tooth to fit in the gap, yet I havn't had the nose fixed as such... I want to know, if anybody who has had it done found it really worth it! I mean I feel as if I'm being stared at when I go out, I want to fit in, yet I'm afraid that nothing will change even after its done... If anyone can help, give advice etc. plzz email me at :

Re: help! I need advice!

Postby Anonymous » Tue Feb 19, 2002 6:41 pm

As far as getting the surgery done, I'm not sure of the specifics... but as far as people looking at you in public, that's rough, that bothered me for a long time. I hope you can get through it and if this surgery helps that, more power to you.

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