To Susan: with your questions or anyone else who cares.

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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To Susan: with your questions or anyone else who cares.

Postby » Sun Nov 18, 2001 8:14 pm

Hi thanks for answering me back.Ok We live in Houston,TX and I am getting my surgery at Herman Childrens Hospital.Under Dr.Gateno whos going to be my surgeon.

Re: To Susan: with your questions or anyone else who cares.

Postby » Thu Nov 22, 2001 6:02 am


I also live in Houston. My daughter had cleft palate surgery at Texas Children's a year and a half ago at 5 months of age.

I would suggest that you go to the Ronald MacDonald house for assistance. They are fabulous. Or ask your doctor for names of places, I'm sure he would be able to help.

Where are you staying now? Why can't you continue to stay there after surgery?

Best of luck and happy thanksgiving,

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