Help! Feeding problems and no appetite

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Help! Feeding problems and no appetite

Postby Lisa » Tue Nov 06, 2001 9:24 am

Please help me! My daughter was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. We had some initial feeding problems when she was born (she was 5lb,5oz), but overcame them by using the squeezable mead bottle. She gained weight very rapidly, and by her cleft lip repair at 3 months, she weighed 10pounds. However, after her surgery, she threw up b/c of anesthesia, and has really had no appetite since. She throws up at least 2 bottles a day (i think because of air), absolutely has no appetite. She fights me at EVERY single feeding, and it is wearing me out! And in addition, she is not gaining any weight! I am so frustrated and am not sure how to proceed. Has anyone else gone through this, and does anyone have ANY suggestions??????

Re: Help! Feeding problems and no appetite

Postby angie » Tue Nov 06, 2001 7:04 pm

How long ago was her surgery? Could she still be having pain? Or, is she on any new medicines since surgery that could be hurting her tummy? After my sons first surgery, we went back to feeding him with a syringe instead of those bottles and had a lot more luck with them. It kept the tension off his lip and seemed to be so much easier for him. Just a few suggestions for you! Keep pressing her pediatrician if she continues to have trouble eating! Best of luck to you and your little one!

Re: Help! Feeding problems and no appetite

Postby Susan Thomas » Fri Nov 09, 2001 5:38 pm

I am not sure how long it has been since the surgery, but we had similar problems with our son. He was 13lbs at the time of his surgery (age ten weeks)and ate very well. We found that the pain medication he was taking killed his appetite, leaving us with the issue of pain management vs. feeding issues. Although the medication was only needed for a few days, it took a little while for his appetite to return. He lost some weight, but ate well enough that he did not become dehydrated. OUr pediatrician checked his weight, but he began to bounce back within a week or so.
I can offer you some information on a different type of bottle that would GREATLY improve feeding for you. PLease email me at if you are interested. Best of luck.
Susan Thomas

Re: Help! Feeding problems and no appetite

Postby Chase » Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:35 am

Our son was born in July 2001 with a cleft lip and palate. We could not get him to eat very well with the Mead bottles and tried a bunch of different nipples. The one he has taken to the best is the premature nipple. Seems to go further down his throat. No more thowing up and coming out his nose. After his first surgery he refused to eat. He was lost weight. The cleft Palate assoc. sugested to hide the taste of the milk. We now add Strawberry flavoring to the milk. His weight is back up and he eats just fine now. The only draw back they say is that he might end up with a sweet tooth. Hope this helps.

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