Just diagnosed...

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Just diagnosed...

Postby pamoli@bellsouth.net » Mon Oct 29, 2001 4:42 pm

My wife is due Jan. 21st and we just recently (Friday in fact) found out our daughter, Madison, has a bilateral cleft lip during the last ultrasound. We were at first understandably blown away by the news, but after some research on many informative web sites we have come to better understand what having a cleft lip and/ or pallet means. I have really gotten alot of good information, as well as been inspired by the messages I have been reading on www.cleft.org. I will defintely be "picking" you brains for information and ideas.
Paul Litolff

Re: Just diagnosed...

Postby robinsi2000 » Fri Nov 02, 2001 11:14 am

Hi, my name is robin and my son Will was born March 16, 2000. He was born with a uni-lateral cleft lip. At first it was shocking and scary but thanks to a great hospital and ped. we made it through. Will had his first surgery on March 18. As you will find out most of the time they wait until the child is older. We had been told that since his was not that bad he was able to have it done that quickly. We had alot to go through we never had the benefit of doing research. We were thrown into it. You and your wife are very lucky that you can learn more about clefts before hand. You will find there is alot involved but it is worth it. My son is a very handsome little guy and I thank god all the time for him. Make sure you get a good doc and cleft team and you will be surprised how much can be done.

Best of luck,

Re: Just diagnosed...

Postby Susan » Sat Nov 03, 2001 4:15 pm

Please feel free to email me at my home address if you want to discuss questions/concerns. Put something about clefts in the title so my husband won't delete the message!
Susan Thomas

Re: Just diagnosed...

Postby Anonymous » Thu Nov 15, 2001 4:20 am

Dear Just Diagnosed,
My name is Richard Rosenblum. My partner Bill Magee and I have taken care of thousands of children with clefts all over the world and the US. We are taking care of three newborn clefts next week from South Carolina, Michigan, and Los Angeles. We have a great system and a unique approach. If you would like to talk on the phone please email me your phone number to my personal email rsrosenblum@hotmail.com and I will call you. I look forward to talking to you soon.
Richard Rosenblum
The Institute for Craniofacial and Plastic Surgery at the Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters Norfolk, Virginia

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