Mom in need of information

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Mom in need of information

Postby Bridget » Wed Sep 19, 2001 8:23 pm

My son was born with a very small cleft palate. He is now going on 71/2months. He's already had his 2nd visit to a facility(which I may be switching since I've gotten some conflicting information since my son's 1st visit.)My question is, are there some palates that are not in need of surgery or do all palates, small or big require surgery? If it's as small as they say would he have the speech and hearing problems? I'm going to a children's hospital in 2wks since they deal with children only. Me and my husband are set on having surgery if needed(small palate or not.) My problem is trying to explain to family members who see that he is developing normal now why put him through the surgery if not needed. If anyone can give me any information regarding small palates versus others and can give me any advice on how to advise family members I would appreciate it.

Sincerly, Bridget

Re: Mom in need of information

Postby Cindy » Mon Sep 24, 2001 3:56 pm


Hi- I'm Cindy. I have 3 children born with clefts and one not. A cleft palate most definitely needs to be repaired. There can be speech issues no matter how small the cleft is. Get this other opinion. I am sure you will be happy. Also, don't let other people pressure you into thinking this isn't necessary because trust me the sooner you get it done the better it will be for you little one. If you want to write to me privately, you can send a message to Make sure to put cleft or something like that in the subject please. I get so much e-mail.

Take care and HUGS to you and your little one!!


Re: Mom in need of information

Postby Calvero » Tue Sep 25, 2001 11:19 am

I would have it repaired. Although I'm far from an expert on the medical side, I would think that the hole will get bigger if it's left open. There will be speech problems, but the problem will be decreased once the palate is closed. If it's not, your son's voice will be very nasal sounding and I don't think any amount of speech theapy will get rid of it completely with an unrepaired palate. It also will make it easier for your son to drink without it coming out his nose.

Let your family know that it will be stressful to have the surgery done, but it will be less trouble in the long run :). Good luck!

The Cleft Club
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Re: Mom in need of information

Postby Chasemice » Sat Sep 29, 2001 11:02 pm

Definitely get it done.
My daughter just had her surgery, and it was hard on her the first 24 hrs, but she is recovering great, and by the third day, she was her normal self.
Believe it or not, I already can hear a difference in her pronounciation of certain sounds.
You would be an irresponsible parent to neglect this surgery. Don't fear it, just educate yourself.

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