Info needed re: support etc

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Info needed re: support etc

Postby Pat & Claire » Thu Aug 30, 2001 9:37 am

About a month ago, Claire and I wrote to a bunch
of organizations on the internet, asking about
support groups by email and opportunities to
contact other people with facial cranial

Claire was born with a large lymphangioma involving
most of the right side of her face and eye. She
has had several surgeries, but there is still a
noticeable difference on the affected side. She
is now 10 years old And has had to put up a lot
of meanness and teasing etc from her peers. She
has been asking for an opportunity to meet with
other people who have experienced this, as she
describes herself as feeling sad and alone.

Here in Canada we have (had?) About Face
which was centered in Toronto. Two weeks ago
we called and left a response.
Tried again today and both the 800 and regular
phone number are no longer in service.

Thanks and we appreciate any help and suggestions.

Pat & Claire
Pat & Claire

Re: Info needed re: support etc

Postby » Thu Aug 30, 2001 8:52 pm

Hi Pat & Claire! My name is Dawn Mulder and I was born with cleft lip and palate. I work with About Face in Windsor/Essex county and with HSC in Toronto with children with facial differences. I would be very interested in talking to you and your daughter about looking different and how to deal with teasing or staring. I am willing to be a "mentor" to her for when she needs someone to talk to. I am willing to use the computer to email her or write her letters as well. I have two sisters 9 & 11 and I am familiar with the age and stages. I can also help her connect with others throught the hospital for sick kids. I am not sure of the area you are in but please email me so we can talk some more. I hope I can help you in some way!

Re: Info needed re: support etc

Postby Donna Sperry » Sat Sep 08, 2001 6:16 pm

We totally understand the torment. Our daughter's face is wasting away. She made front page news. Please read her article and I hope this the messages to Kelley will inspire you.

<a href=""></a> An editorial: <a href=""></a> Over 225 messages to us via message board... <a href=""></a>
Sincerely, Donna Sperry (Kelley's mom)303 650-1880
Donna Sperry

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