tongue problems

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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tongue problems

Postby » Tue Aug 28, 2001 12:47 pm

my niece recently had palate repair and has since been holding her tongue out of her mouth most of the time. She is eating well and makes lots of sounds (she is 13 months) and keeps her tongue in her mouth then but holds it out the rest of the time. Has anyone else had this particular problem?

Re: tongue problems

Postby acrossdeemiles » Wed Aug 29, 2001 12:57 pm

Hi Keri
My personal experience is that it is not a problem per say but a comfort position. I tend to do it myself. I think the tongue may be a bit longer than others (I have no proof to back it up.) Check nasal passages. She may be keeping her mouth open to breathe. This is also another reason I do that. It is easier to breathe out of the mouth and therefore it seems as if her tongue is hanging out. Very possible in people with cleft. Hope some of this helps,

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