Three year old, some speech problems

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Re: Three year old, some speech problems

Postby Lori Lori.m.w@home. » Fri Jul 13, 2001 4:20 pm

My son (6yrs) doesn't have a cleft palate or lip, but he does suffer from hypernasality. After his tonsils and adenoids were taken out, he developed the hypernasality. He has had his palate elongated in December, which did not work for him, and now he is going to have pharyngeal flap surgery. So, in answer to your question, maybe a pharyngeal flap with help with her hypernasality. I hope you find a solution somewhere. Good Luck!!!
Lori Lori.m.w@home.

Three year old, some speech problems

Postby Christine » Fri Jul 13, 2001 4:22 pm

My daughter was born 3 years ago with a unilateral cleft lip and palate, she had her first repair at 3mths and palate repaired at 10 months. She is now three and has hypernasility speech. Does anyone have any suggestions on excercises to help eleviate the problem. I am trying to help her increase her blowing out through her mouth by having her blow bubbles gently and through the mouth only. Any other suggestions? She is due for her 3 year speech evaluation soon

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