Cleft Palate Surgery

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Cleft Palate Surgery

Postby Anonymous » Sat Jun 23, 2001 12:29 am

Our daughter is 9 months old and had her palate surgery last week (10 days ago). We live in the UK. Since the surgery she has refused all liquids, and we are feeding her solids with added formula to ensure she has some milk. Has anyone got any suggestions that may help. We have tried her nuk teat, cups and beakers but nothing is working. The hospital staff tried to force feed her after the operation so we are not sure if it is that or it still hutts.

Re: Cleft Palate Surgery

Postby Nikkismom » Mon Jun 25, 2001 8:35 am

My daughter (now 1) had her palate repaired at age 8 months. This was pretty early, but she was within the weight limits. Four about the first 2-3 weeks she was in quite a bit of pain. I did feedings with a medicine dropper for quite a while. My advice is... don't force any thing let your child tell you how much is enough. If there is a severe weight loss then I would make an appointment with the surgeon or pediatrician. My daughter lost 2.5 pounds in 2 weeks. As soon as the pain lessened she was right back up with in weeks. If you would like to talk please feel free to email me at

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