sphincter pharyngoplasty

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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sphincter pharyngoplasty

Postby Karen » Thu Jun 14, 2001 8:58 pm

My daughter (she'll be five on Sunday) has velopharyngeal insufficiency. She was scoped in April. She has a surgery called sphincter pharygoplasty scheduled for 06/28/01. I've researched this on the internet and in books but I'm looking for personal input on how the surgery went for others ie. speech outcomes post-op, any complications afterwards with speech, breathing, eating? how was recovery? What does it look like in the back of your throat? can you see the sphincter? etc etc etc. Please help, I'm nervous...Karen

Re: sphincter pharyngoplasty

Postby frankandvikki@earthlink.n » Thu Sep 11, 2003 11:47 pm

My son is 4 and scheduled to have this surgery Sept 17 2003. What was the outcome for your daughter? I am also searching for answers. Thanks.

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