cosmetic nose surgery

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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cosmetic nose surgery

Postby laura » Wed Jan 17, 2001 3:10 pm

I am a 30 year old single mom of a healthy 9 year old.....i was born with a cleft lip and palette and have had my share of medical and social problems. I am at a point in my life now where i am considering having cosmetic surgery to correct my flattened nose.....i am wondering if other people have had this done as adults and how their surgeries turned out.....also if there is any type of public funding for such things as i am on a limited income and this would be considered cosmetic?

Re: cosmetic nose surgery

Postby » Sat Feb 03, 2001 8:55 pm

I am 24 and was also born with a cleft lip. I just had surgery on jan 15.My nose was reshaped and even though there is alot of swelling,it looks great..I'm glad i had it done..Good luck..

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