inspirational story about myself being bilateral cleft

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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inspirational story about myself being bilateral cleft

Postby Charity » Mon May 22, 2000 12:16 pm

hi, i am 24 years old. i have had 20 operations in my life. i want to say that if you have a dream, dont let being cleft stop you. during school, i had very low self esteem. I didnt like the way I looked, I was teased a lot. I had to have speech therapy all as a child. I also had a huge overbite due to the cleft. when I was 18, i had a lafort 2 done(jaw and cleft repair),i felt so much better about myself. the more I felt about myself, the more outgoing I was. I now have a wonderful husband, two beautiful step children, and a excellant job. i have NO nasal sound at all due to the speech therapy as a child. Please, if you want to do something, dont let being different stop you. I didnt and I am glad didn;t. I have had 2 surgerys on my nose in that last 2 years. i am done now. I am starting a website of my own for cleft and trying to start a foundation for people who cant afford cleft repair. by the way, my dad had a cleft lip, 3 out of 5 of his daughters have the cleft, i have a 50/50 chance at carring it on to my future child. If i do have a cleft baby, i would be the most proud parent of it. feel free to email me or visit my homepage to see my pic
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p.s. pics on homepage take a few secs to download.

Postby Charity » Mon May 22, 2000 12:25 pm

pics take a few secs to download on my homepage

Re: p.s. pics on homepage take a few secs to download.

Postby Anonymous » Sat Oct 21, 2000 7:45 am

Your home page address didn't seem to work - can your confirm it please

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