Article 1907

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Article 1907

Postby Anonymous » Mon May 15, 2000 10:31 pm

I don't think I would be too worried at 15 months old
about the speech. A lot of children without clefts
aren't saying much at that age. My daughter did
not have ear infections but she did have fluid in
her ear that was detected thru a hearing exam. They
put tubes in (was not a big deal) and she could
then hear perfectly. I was told to read to her
and sing nursery rhymes and talk to her alot. Personally
I wouldn't be worried about speech until after 2.
By then she should have more of a vocabulary. I learned
to enjoy more and worry less. SHe is now almost
a teenager and totally typical child. I would recommend
getting a test done to see if your child has fluid
build-up though. Hope this helps

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