Occurance follow a pattern?

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Occurance follow a pattern?

Postby meesaz@aol.com » Thu Apr 06, 2000 6:40 pm

Has enough research been done to know if this
condition occurs every generation or skips every
2 generations? My father had a cleft palate/lip.
He was born in 1915 and then the medical system
was not prepared to deal with it and his days were
not easy. I was fortunate not to have had this nor
have my children. Maybe perhaps it will strike again
with my grandchildren. I'm concerned.

Re: Occurance follow a pattern?

Postby Jenny - Mother of Ryan » Sat Apr 08, 2000 9:59 pm

My son has a cleft lip and palate, my brother had a cleft lip only, and my mother thinks that my grandmother may have had a cleft of the soft palate only. I know they are doing genetic research all the time, and in my family it seems to hit every generation lately. I think the chances are higher when the condition is in the family - but still only a 5% chance so it could easily skip several generations or hit them all. Hard to say.

Jenny - Mother of Ryan

Re: Occurance follow a pattern?

Postby kristaclinton@hotmail.com » Sun Apr 09, 2000 6:50 am


I don't know all the answers but here is what I remember the geneticists telling me in January. One in seven hundred children is born with a cleft lip and or palate. One in four is genetic and usually comes with some kind of syndrome (ie. stickler syndrome, pierre robin syndrome...) and the rest are usually just random.

I hope this helps and you really shouldn't worry too much. Now a days it really is a minor problem and there are many wonderful new technologies out there. I was born 23 years ago with a cleft palate and my daughter was born 4 months ago with a cleft palate also (we both have stickler syndrome). It has been relatively easy and she will have corrective surgery in a month.

God Blesses us all in special ways,
Hope I helped a little,

Re: Occurance follow a pattern?

Postby gingerkay@hotmail.com » Wed Apr 12, 2000 9:34 pm

i am curious about stickler syndrome. can you fill me in? thanks

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