This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby Unforgotten Dream » Mon Nov 22, 1999 8:31 pm

i know there are some parents
concerned about their children. The best thing to do for your children
is to love them through all time and to comfort them when they come
from home from school because they may not tell you
what the other kids have teased them about.

My life has been a crazy wild ride. I still only 15 but i feel like i've lived
a life time. I origionally from Afghanistan I moved here to Canada Vancouver when I was
8 years old. In Afghanistan there were some teasing goin on about my problem, some doctors would not
treat it so my father had to secretly get a Russian Doctor to do the Operations on me in Moscow. There the war was getting
rougher i saw a few family members die, murdered. I thought that was the most pain i'd ever go through.
Up until i moved to the Northwest I was a pretty normal kid, I did my homewerk, Straight A student
Played some sports. When I entered Grade 3 here, my life took its road downhill. Many kids
making fun of me and my problem and i couldn't say anything because i couldn't speak English.
No one would eat lunch with me. No one would talk to me, i actually got into some fights, the fights where
2 to 1 odds against me. Of course i didn't tell my parents because i felt very emberassed and they
had enough problems themselves. Endless nights lookin up at the stars tears rolling down my cheek
asking the "Allah" (God) why he picked me to be the ugly duckiling. I could barely look at the mirror with
my image in it. Eating lunch by myself, walking home
by myself, but somehow i kept the fate. Years went by of hatred and cruelty from students and even some teachers.
In grade 6-7 i've created a reputation of a good student, i've finally learned how to speak english
and I've progressed in school work. My heart strong i've and months going on without teasing I've gotten my confidence up
and life seemed brighter, I even had a girlfriend. When I entered high school, things got worst. But something had changed in me.
because when someone teased me I just snapped and almost beat the guy to death. No mercy in my eyes nothin but rage. I hide behing
music, 2pac, i keep my heart strong and even tho "I hang around the the Thugs, they show a young brother like me love." I guess the point of
this story is to learn from the mistakes that i've done and if you are young and you are wondering what to do.. keep a clean heart, pure and
hold on, stay strong, don't show them ur weak, because god gave this problem to us because we can handle it, any man or woman would've killed em self
but we kept the strenght of staying alive and not giving up. We have a gift of strong personality and we are fun people, we are the example of Gods way of telling
people that Do not Judge a book by its cover, its an old saying i know but its true. I know anyone reading this, that has had this problem, iz probably got the music on slow and
crying of all the stories they've read her. Just Remember Your Born and then you die so your gonna leave this world somehow, make it the best experience ever.. don't let these motherf*ckers
stop you from your goals and dreamz. Keep the love for yourself Strong in your heart. Life is TOo Beautiful.
Unforgotten Dream

Re: This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby » Mon Nov 29, 1999 5:06 pm

Hi Unforgotten Dream.What you have said is very true. I admire you for your courage to not let life get you down under your situation.I'm 16 years old and have a cleft lip and palate.I've had 10 or 11 operations myself. I know how it feels to be made fun of and to feel insecure around others. I believe God has given me this problem to make me a stronger person. I feel more compassion for others than I would if I didn't have a defect. I try to live my life as normal as possible. I don't let anyone discourage me from reaching my goals. It's been a long road and hard to push myself to overcome certain fears. I'm slowly, but surely conquering my doubts and fears day by day.It takes a lot of time.But I know God will see us through, because He won't give us anything we can't handle. Feel free to email me anytime.

Re: This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby Calvero » Wed Dec 01, 1999 1:58 pm

I also was born with a cleft lip (unilateral) and cleft palate (bilateral) and I'm 26. I also agree that God gave us this not only to make us stronger but also make those close to us stronger and more understanding.

Ever Smiling,
Calvero :)
Born to be Cleft
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The Cleft Club
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Re: This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby laurie » Sat Jan 01, 2000 5:55 pm

I recently gave birth to a daughter with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. I love her and see past the cleft, although I know that others may not. I hope that when she is older that she would confide in me all her feelings - be they joy or saddness. It is all a part of being a family. Share with your parents - you may be plesently surprised : )

Re: This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby » Tue Feb 08, 2000 10:46 pm

When I read your posting I began to cry. I am in my 40's, but your experiences brought back a lot of my bad memories. Hang in there, look at Stacy Keach! You are special, your are an overcomer! There will always be someone who tries to make you feel inadequate or imperfect. That is their own problem. Please talk to a counselor if you cannot talk to your parents. Life has so much in store for you. God made us special and we can handle it!

Re: This one iS 4 all you Teenz, and Adults

Postby Barb » Thu Mar 09, 2000 11:38 am

I was sheltered so much growing up in the 70's and maybe that held me back. Now I am a 36 year old woman who is finally realizing her potential. I keep coming back to these sites and this is where I can make a difference. You have gone thru alot more than I can even imagine. It breaks my heart to read what you have been through. I want to tell you that you have made it this far and there is so much more to be done in your life with all your experiences to make a difference and share more with people and THAT IS HOW YOU START HEALING...

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