Late surgery 2yrs 3mnths

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Late surgery 2yrs 3mnths

Postby » Fri Jul 02, 1999 3:52 am

My youngest daughter was born with a cleft palate, which I
noticed 2 to 3 minutes after her birth. We were told that it was
nothing to worry about and that she would be OK. It was recorded
in her hospital notes and no action was taken. We did not let it
rest and with every opportunity we brought the subject up with
our doctor and health visitor, however nothing was done about it.
We only received action when it was realised that her speech at 2
yrs was not developing and she was sent to see a specialist. He
just took one look and said she had a clefe palate and he could
not believe that no action had been taken. He told us that over 2
yrs was late for the operation. I would be grateful for any
information on how the delay in surgery will affect her,
especially in her speech. I feel so betrayed by my local health
authority in the UK, it's as if they just could not be bothered
or did not care. I am not out for vengance, I just want my
daughter to be OK. Thanks in advance

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