Playing down attractiveness to avoid any attention

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Playing down attractiveness to avoid any attention

Postby Anonymous » Mon Jun 07, 1999 9:40 am

I am an adult female who was born with a cleft lip and palate.
Though everything is sucessfully repaired, I find that I try not
to draw any attention to myself by making myself look more
attractive. My style has been whittled down to "very basic,
very plain" though I'm sure I could look a lot better if I
tried. I think I fear that if I do try to look a certain way, and
if it LOOKS like I'm trying, somebody will say something like:
"You think YOU can look good?" or "Who does she
think she is?"

Does anyone else feel the same or have in the past? What can
be done about this? Thanks.

Re: Playing down attractiveness to avoid any attention

Postby Anonymous » Fri Jun 11, 1999 11:06 am

YES! I feel exactly the same way! When I read your post it was
like reading my own story! I am 34 F with unilater cl, left side.
I have had 3 surgeries since my initial repair and am about to
have dermabrasion. This will be the last one for me and I look
pretty good considering. But part of me feels like I don't
derserve to even try to look appealing. Like I'm just out of the
game from the beginning. I have always had that fear that someone
would laugh at me if I even tried. Does that make any since?

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