Pierre Robin diagnosis

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Pierre Robin diagnosis

Postby Gram948@aol.com » Wed Jun 02, 1999 9:56 am

Is PRS a new diagnosis for Cleft palate/lip? I am a 66yo
Grandmother w/repaired Cp/cl and I have had several daughters and
now 2 granddaughters w/cp,cl. One of my daughters had many
repiratory problems when she was born 40yrs ago. Never need a
trach but was hospitalized 12times in 2 years.She had a very
small chin which was corrected as a young adult.She also had some
eye problems which persists to this day. Could she have been
diagnosed w/PRS if she had been born during this generation? This
is a great site incidently, unfortunately for me and my family 2
generations late. Regards, Pat

Re: Pierre Robin diagnosis

Postby prn@pierrerobin.org » Thu Jun 03, 1999 8:04 pm

Hi: I have an 11 year old with PRS and Stickler Syndrome. I
have never heard of a child with a CL and PRS. That doesn't mean
it couldn't happen, just not common. PRS has been around for
awhile, just wasn't diagnosed properly. PRS is sometimes part of
another genetic condition, which may be true in your case, since
it has passed from generation to generation. Stickler Syndrome is
a connective tissue disease that most always involves the eyes
(detached retinas, premature cataracts, nearsightedness). Feel
free to check out my new site, www.pierrerobin.org. Does your
daughter with the eye problems have a CL or CP or both? Let me
know if I can help.

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