Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby » Sun May 30, 1999 4:38 pm

Hello to all.,,,,My name is Marc A. Hunter. I just recently
came across this web site. I was only familiar with WIDESMILES,
which is another site for information on cl&p, or other
facial differences. I am a 24 year old guy who was born with a
unilateral cl&p, on the right side. I'm glad to know that
there's more and easier access to information than there used to
be. In fact, I found out and am pretty convinced that the reason
I was born with a cl&p was because there wasn't enough folic
acid in my mothers system while she was pregnant. She was taking
medication for her epilepsy that was lowering her folic acid
level so she had to take other pills to raise her level but when
she became pregnant the doctor recommended that she not take them
until after I was born because the prenatal medication had folic
acid in it. I feel that there wasn't enough because there's no
history of cl&p in my family. Anyhow, to this day I've often
felt alone. My family and friends have always been there for me
but they just don't know how it feels to be in my place, or mind.
I tend to take after my dad and don't communicate very well when
it comes to emotions so I've always kept things inside. Over the
last four years(about)I've felt that these suppressed feelings
have had a psychological affect on me. I'm looking to communicate
with others around my age or older for support and information,
as well as getting to meet new people.


Postby berlymack » Tue Jul 13, 1999 9:36 pm

I'm new to this site myself, I'm 22 and was born with a
c&lpalate condition. I've actually never come across or spoke
to anyone who also has the condition, so finding this sight was a
"thrill"!! I am a twin, she was 'normal', even though
we are indential. I envy her and can honestly say that I've
carried alot of jealously around for years. I can't seem to rid


Postby Patricia S Davis » Fri Jul 16, 1999 7:01 pm

Welcome to this great sight Marc and Berlymack! Yes, I am an
older person with a clept palate and lip and have had many
surgeries. When it comes to inner feelings and my family doesn't
understand that really an understatement. You have brought more
understanding within your families than you will ever know. I
don't want to take away your own feelings because they are just
as important if not more important. What I can say is that we are
the lucky ones if we look within ourselves. As I have said in the
past, I have more compassion and understanding now than when I
was younger. In youth, I felt anger, blame and sorry for myself
because I was a freak, different, ugly etc. I no longer feel that
because it was a waste of my time and the time of others. I now
feel love !!! Take the time to learn and listen. You are on the
right path by talking with people who have been there and done
that and keep on loving and going. Hope to hear from both of you.
Patricia S Davis


Postby annonymous » Sat Jul 24, 1999 7:38 am

Hi Marc, I was wondering...I myself believe that I consummed
too much Vitamin A during my pregnancy,resulting in my baby son's
cleft of the soft palate. I AM HORRIBLY GUILTY!! If I may ask a
personal question, Do you in any way hold your mother responsible
for not taking the proper vitamins,as you stated? Do you get mad
because it was her fault,so to speak? I don't want my son to have
any resentment! Thank you!


Postby Anonymous » Fri Jul 07, 2000 5:29 am


I don't think it is possible to take too much of vitamins. I think that you body can only absorb so much and the rest it throws out.
Have you spoken to your specialists about this

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