
Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Postby Nathan Killam » Mon May 03, 1999 5:11 am

What can be said about the emotions we face in growing up with
a birth defect? Anger, bitterness, discouragement..at times just
giving up because we're sick and tired of feeling like crap after
an operation. Being laughed at as children (children can be so
cruel) and wondering why God made us this way. Well, I
experienced all these emotions and more in my 22 years of living
with this difference. I invite anyone and everyone searching for
someone with whom to relate to, someone to give you words of
support and encouragement to please write. God bless you.
Nathan Killam

Re: Emotions

Postby Cheesyshells@excite.com » Sat May 29, 1999 10:04 pm

I also experience emotions for 22 years. they were tough at
times but i managed with the love of my family and friends. i
have told my husband that we might have a child with cleft
lip/palate and that i worry how they will cope with it. he said
with a strong mother like me they will handle it. please email me
so we can share our thoughts.

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