Article 865

Children and adults with cleft lip and/or palate issues

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Article 865

Postby Anonymous » Fri Apr 16, 1999 2:39 pm

Name: raviv Lerner

Country: Israel

City: nahariya

Address: hacarmel street 24/6

Zip: 22209

! Organization Shalom

I wish to sheer with you a no experience that happened to me
in my childish

And the reason is Of course that I born with deformity, as
you know that called:

Cleft Lip and Pallet

All this story happened when my mother that before have birth
me went to do an

Ultrasound and then it have been told here that she have a
baby with deformity

That called: cleft lip and pallet and than she didn’t
believe and she didn’t know

What to do and she told me that she cried allot and when she
told the family my

They all were surprise and they have a shock, and than my

Told her:

For what do you need this baby? Do a abortion (kill him). And
after thinking

And decision with my father they made a decision that was to
go with this

Situation and birth me. And when I have been went to the New

She was at first very surprise and she was thinking what a
beautiful baby she

Have. Than she was thinking as other perents in your story,
and when I

Have been in my first time to the world all the troubles with
me just have been

Started. My first surgery operation was in 4-6 months, in my
lip and than I have

Been a trouble with my food, because all my food was going
threw my nose and

For that in the hospital put in my mouth a plata plastic and
that I remember

Because I didn’t like it and I cried allot.

And after that I’ve made more about 4-5 surgery
operations, and of curse I

Were had been more problems because my deformity which they

In my ear, speech and language, nose, when I remember that in
my ear

I made a surgery to remove the both tubules in the both ear
which was

Necessary and because of that it made a damage in my left
haring ear and

Than I needed to the haring appliance to my left ear.

And when I was in the kindergarten and at school it was very
difficult to me

Because the kinds didn’t wanted to play with me and they
were talk about me

A jokes because my speech and language that didn’t was
fine actually it was very

Badly. And they didn’t understanding what I have been
told to them.

And they also have been seen my scar, and at guneurschool it
was worst because

They also were lafing at me, and which I love to play
basketball they didn’t

Wanted to play with me. And they were throwing on me a cone
from the

Trees and I were had been safer at juneurschool until I was
15 years old.

And in the years I’ve made a surgery in my pallet
because when I was drinking

Water they were going out throws my nose because I had a hole
in my jaw

And I were suffered from it a loot, when I was in hightschool
and did trying

To make a communicate with girls which it was at 17 years old
and than

The girls were funny about me and they were talking that I am
very ugly and

I don’t find any girls in my situation and than my
confidence was going down

And it was infected in my live allot. And then I stopped to
talk with other

Boys and girls because they hit me allot.

And when I was 18 years old I had also a problem in the army
because they

Didn’t want to take me to the army at any way because I
suffered from

A sub-weight and also today I suffered from it and I very
thin and people don't

Believe to me that I am 22 years old, today I am 45 kg and 22
years old I very

Tall – 1.78 meter and even more.

And after 3 years of fighting them they took me to the army
at 21 years old

With low profile witch is 45 and than I suffered agen from
the army:

They send me to a base with loot of noise and my haring agen
was going

Dawn which now is: left ear: 20% and right ear: 30% and now I

For 2 haring appliances which the army don't want to pay it,
and nesen

The surgery of bonegraft they don’t want to pay which I
suffered from it

A lot because I have all the time a catarrh and I have a
difficult in my birth.

Well, why does my live are so cruel? And why it happened to

And the big question is if I get marred is it will happened
to my child in the

Same way? And he will have a cleft lip and pallet?

And if will be happen I will tell to my wife that she will
not need to scerd and

I will support her any time that she needed and I will advice
to her that she

Need to give him a life and not kill him! Because he not

And I also support him and help him to get accept it and gud
wanted that

He will have cleft lip and pallet and my answer will be that

. He is very special kid and

He better from the others kids and I will go with him and
Shaw him other

Kids that have a cleft lip/pallet and tell him that nobody is

And I have a special request: I wold like that you will be
connect to me with

The family kids of those who were born with cleft lip and
pallet and that I

Will talk with them, and they will be tell me how did they
make to handle

With this hard very situation

And I also ask from you to send them evryising that I have
been rotten because

I want that they will know that even in countries like Israel
there are children

That born with cleft lip and pallet and give them my full
congressional and wish

Them luck from all my hart of continue of take caring there
children and

Strong them and tell them that they are not alone and if they
wold like to

Meet with me or sending to me a letters they can do it and so
am I and in

The letters we can share an information of how it was with
their children

And send a picture and they will can advice to me what should
I do if I will

Have a baby with cleft lip and Pallet and so on . . .

Raviv Lerner

Re: Article 865

Postby Mom who has son born with » Tue Apr 20, 1999 6:23 pm

God Bless you. You sound like a very wonderful and caring
person. I will pray that you will find a women that will see
inside and see the kind man you are. I married a man who was born
with a cleft lip and palate, and I love him dearly. I saw what
was in the inside and how handsome he was was just a extra
something God gave him. I don't care what my husband's face looks
like I love him. WHen I fell in love with him I fell in love with
a man not his looks. To me my husband is the most handsome man
around. We had a baby and he was born with a cleft lip and palate
too. We love him just like we do his baby brother. We have not
treated our son different in any way just because he has a birth
defect. He is very athleteic. We have tought him that everyone
has some thing different about them just some people you can see
it others you can't. We had a second child and he didn't have the
cleft palate or lip. We thank God for our two wonderful,beautiful
boys. I know that some day you will find that woman that will
fall in love with you. I will be praying for you.
Mom who has son born with

Re: Article 865

Postby Anonymous » Tue Aug 03, 1999 3:19 am

I have 2 children affected by cleft lip and palate.My son is
now 7 and my daughter just turned 1. We have faced hard roads
together but we come thruogh a much stronger family. We pray for
all the parents who go through this with thier children and pray
for the kids who grow up with this common defect. There are great
doctors who will love and grow with your children and be parts of
their lives forever. To Dr. Cronin in Houston, we love and thank
you for your kindness toward our babies and no matter how long I
live, I can never repay you for the best medical and sugical
skill you have. We love you.

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